Project Overview
Get ready to embark on a harmonious journey of musical discovery like never before with “Playful Piano” – the game that reinvents music learning in a fun and engaging way!
Say goodbye to overwhelming lessons and hello to a revolutionary approach where every musical skill and concept is introduced gradually and reinforced until you’ve mastered it. Unlike other piano apps that focus solely on translating visuals into popular song performances, we believe in building real-life music literacy.
But that’s not all – “Playful Piano” goes beyond the notes on the page. We’re here to nurture true musicianship through immersive listening exercises, imitation, rhythmic precision, and creative experimentation. Prepare to explore the vibrant world of global music as you journey through diverse styles, from the passionate Tango to the pulsating beats of Techno.
Unlock the secrets of successful music education through the many learning and practice modes of “Playful Piano”:
Discover Mode: Dive into new musical concepts like pitch and rhythm with animated videos and voiceover cues. Interactive experiences ensure comprehension and engagement.
Practice Mode: Familiarize yourself with musical notes and finger placements at your own pace. Repetition builds dexterity through finger drills.
Echo Mode: Experience the joy of learning a song piece by piece through a call-and-response mechanism. It’s like having a personal teacher guiding your every note. Immediate feedback ensures accuracy and timing.
Perform Mode: Showcase your skills as you perform songs – it’s a formative assessment and a chance to practice reading music notation. Instant feedback keeps you on the right track.
Jam along: Elevate your musical journey with “Playful Piano” and dive into the world of improvisation. Create music on the spot as you perform, supported by expertly crafted backing tracks. Unleash your creativity and explore your developing musicianship in a jam session like no other!
But wait, there’s more! Our learning path offers options to dive deeper into specific areas, allowing you to tailor your musical journey. Whether you’re a quick learner or prefer a more in-depth practice, “Playful Piano” adapts to your needs. Master the main learning path levels and unlock bonuses, encouraging you to deepen your skills.
Are you ready to embrace a new era of musical learning that’s both playful and effective? With “Playful Piano,” the world of music is at your fingertips. Explore, learn, and make beautiful music – your journey starts now!
Key Contributions
Game Design & Interface: Spearheaded the design of the core game loop, integrating a user-friendly interface tailored for young learners.
Modular System Design: Pioneered a versatile system that incorporated elements from the core game loop, encompassing features like free rhythm for note reading enhancement, auditory-focused training, instructional mode, and a performance setting.
Curriculum Design: Devised a comprehensive scope and sequence, transitioning novices to adept piano players, proficient in reading the grand staff and utilizing all ten fingers for playing.
Lesson & Content Creation: Authored 60 progressive lessons, integrating a total of 180 meticulously structured songs, either originally composed or derived from the public domain.
Music Production Management: Assumed the role of the primary music producer, overseeing external music producer contractors, ensuring timely asset delivery, and maintaining organized documentation.
Stakeholder Communication: Prepared and presented detailed project presentations for product managers and board members, elucidating project progress and milestones.
Marketing Collaboration: Joined forces with the marketing team to devise a coherent content strategy, aligning with the project’s objectives.
Technical Collaboration: Worked closely with the development team, establishing a streamlined system for level delivery in midi format, and addressing any file-related concerns.